For the past 19 months, COVID-19 has impacted the way we live and function. For many marginalised people – including LGBTQIA+ persons – the pandemic has exacerbated various inequalities.
Iranti is working to fill these gaps by continuing our COVID-19 Wellness Support for those who are in specific need during this time. The application deadline is 19 November.
The COVID-19 Wellness Support will include organisational support, rent relief, data, food vouchers, and access to mental wellness services.
The LGBTQI+ community in South Africa and beyond already had diverse struggles before the pandemic hit.
The Southern African Trans Forum COVID-19 Impact Survey by Iranti and other advocacy groups says: “In many African countries, and the world, trans and diverse people’s struggles include lack of legal gender recognition, lack of access to primary and gender affirming healthcare, lack of access to jobs, lack of family support and widespread homelessness.”
The Iranti COVID-19 Wellness Support is open to LGBTQI+ persons in South Africa and beyond. It looks to support front-liners in the LGBTQI+ sector and various LGBTIQ+ community organisations. The support programme is not targeting individuals but will consider those identified or referred by the organisations in their communities.
The UN Secretary-General has noted that COVID-19 is “highlighting deep economic and social inequalities and inadequate health and social protection systems that require urgent attention as part of the public health response”.
“LGBT persons are disproportionately represented in the ranks of the poor, people experiencing homelessness, and those without healthcare, meaning that they may be particularly affected as a result of the pandemic. In many contexts, LGBT persons disproportionately rely on the informal sector for income,” a UN SOGI report says.
While we would love to assist every applicant, Iranti has limited funding and will assist as many applicants as possible To ensure the resources support as many people as possible, and support is received by our most needy, Iranti asks that there be no double applications. This means if your organisation has applied, then as an individual front-liner, you cannot apply.
Payments for rent assistance or mental care will be made directly into the service providers’ bank account. Support for groceries will be provided in the form of food vouchers to be redeemed at Shoprite or Checkers stores. Please note that the food vouchers cannot be used for alcohol. Data will be loaded directly to the cellphone number provided by the applicant.
Only online applications will be considered. Here is how to apply:
FRONT-LINE ACTIVISTS complete the form on the link below:
Frontline Activists Application Form
ORGANISATIONS complete the form on the link below:
Organisations Application Form
ORGANISATIONS ON BEHALF OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS complete the form on the link below:
Deadline: 19 November 2021